
its always good to have people from al over the world getting united under one roof of entertainment.we belive you wont regret your visit otherwise grinwax welcomes you.in this site grinz funz meet and interact for the good of their brains refreshment and enjoyment of their every day life.
for those who don't have any idea of who grinwax is, we'll try to tell you who he is in a line. Grinwax is a person who believes people can actually change their ways of livin by just hearing a different sound. born as cirus in 1985 in gulu district . grin was forced to be a singer by the people who live affarme. he took long to understand what every body sees in him, to avoid enviromental stress grin went on and discoverd he could actually rap. ever since he made his first hit,he has always been loved and supported by the people wo listen to his messages.and untill now he is over turning virtual circumstances to reality.

in his own words 'ma life is less figured at loods coz i have alot of things to do more than screwin. ha ha he dosent screw them .i love hip hop big time ,but ma dad always says "turn off that radio its not only making noise but also nonesence" .he enjoyes more of gospel music than circular.an owaco ire ni pubed labal kuc pien ka omette aromo turu uume gi tyene ha ha ha

dano weng ma maro grinwax lukuc .

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